What are the procedures dermatologists use to remove or improve acne scars?

Nowadays, there are different dermatologists’ procedures available in the Acne scar treatment Ontario that are very effective in removing or improving acne scars. Now you have the option to choose one method or treatment based on the recommendations of your dermatologist. Some common procedures are discussed below.
How do you remove acne scars?


Dermabrasion is considered the most effective scar removal treatment to reduce the depth of scars and resurface your skin by using a high-speed brush. This treatment can take up to 3 weeks to heal your acne problems.


You can remove your skin’s outer layer, lighten redness around healed acne, or contour acne scars areas by using a laser resurfacing treatment. It may take 3 to 10 days.

Chemical peel

This chemical peel solution is recommended by a dermatologist and can be applied to the skin. It helps to smooth your skin by removing the outer layer of your skin. However, after the procedure, you may face peeling and redness for 3 to 7 days.


A handheld device is used in this less-intensive type of dermabrasion to remove surface skin. You may require one or more treatments for this procedure.

Apart from these, you can also get other dermatologist procedures such as fillers, punch excisions, and micro needling.

Likely, when you visit your dermatologist, they follow the above-mentioned Acne scar treatment in Ontario. However, RGR Pharma provides the best acne scar treatment that you can consider by booking your appointment.

To know more about Acne scar treatment Ontario please visit our website:rgrpharma.com


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